Part Four
EXTRACT: The Word Of “Alice”

The good Doctor Thompkins offered me a chair in what I felt was a disappointingly drab office and I dropped onto it with a playful bump. I tugged tightly at my dress, keeping the wrinkles out and making sure my presentation wasn't in any way slacking. After all, this was a special visit and as an envoy for Yourself, I had to present myself perfectly and be on my very best behavior. It would be awful if I showed up with a crinkled dress. I know You like pink; I wore this dress especially for You.

The other two came in. The Alien and the Cripple. While the Doctor had treated me with the utter most politeness, I could see neither of the two new entrants in the room felt the same. I wasn't stupid of course; I knew that Doctor Thompkins simply didn't believe I was capable of killing those lowlifes of Gotham. The Cripple was clearly more suspicious and convinced her Alien friend the same thing. That didn't surprise me as I could see just by looking at the Alien that she was weak, weak in the mind. She had no belief system. She didn't believe in You, she didn't believe in anything really. I despise that lack of foresight.

I held the warm cup of tea that the Doctor gave me tightly. The office was very chilly (and I'm not just talking about the reception I was getting from some of the occupants), but I knew as Jesus did at Gethsemane to trust in Your wisdom. The Doctor remained standing and the Alien stood by the door. The Cripple drew herself closer.

"My good friend here doesn't believe you are capable of killing those people and despite the information that your friend Billy gave us, I'm not certain either." The Cripple's cold blue eyes told me she knew the truth but lacked the character to believe in her convictions.

As You asked of me, I will give. I told them the truth. "It was me. I used nanotechnology I borrowed from my friend's father to instigate a mass poisoning of the destitute populace of Gotham."

"But you are only fifteen!" protested the Doctor, with whom I'd had the good fortune to chat a little earlier. I like her, even if she doesn't understand.

"I am a messenger," I replied. "I am a tool of His Word. I am the light in Gotham's dark."

"Are you talking about a god?" the Cripple asked. "You killed people because your god told you to?"

"Our 'god'", " I replied tersely, "bestowed me with the gifts I needed to carry out my tasks. He doesn't control me; I work on my own volition. He bestowed me with the intellect far beyond my years when I was born; He bestowed me with the companionship that would lead me to the technology I required to carry out His will. He told me to come to you. He is all."

"So why did your god tell you to kill a few homeless people?" The Alien spoke for the first time. She didn't like me, I could tell.

"Because of the Chain Of Being." I could see that confused her. The good Doctor was a little more educated.

"Historically, the Chain Of Being was a deeply held social perception in the middle ages. The idea that life is linked together in a rigid chain of social class with God at the top down through the social hierarchy, King, aristocracy and so on, until we stop at the rocks beneath our feet." The good Doctor was correct. "However, I fail to see what this has to do a relatively small amount of Gotham's homeless."

"Gotham is a cesspool and He feels it needs to be closer to Him."

"I don't get it,” said the Alien, but I could see the Cripple and the Doctor did. They were bright and I could see the Doctor's warm attitude slowly beginning to die. It was inevitable I suppose. The cripple explained.

"Imagine the chain like a stairway to God. Each step is a social class, each class getting socially more important until you reach God at the top. Alice here thinks that for God to have a stronger influence on Gotham, Gotham has to be closer to his influence."

"However," continued the Doctor, "you can't change the order in the chain. No class can rise above the other without anarchy descending. That was the belief system which kept the social classes from trying to overthrow the King in the past."

"But," interrupted the Cripple with predictable rudeness, "if you removed an entire class, you aren't altering the chain. The chain remains in order of importance, you just remove a link." She was a clever one. "You intended to remove the destitute from the chain and by doing so bring God once step closer in the chain to Gotham."

"The plan is far more reaching," I said with clear disdain for the cripple. "Other social classes are next. This is just the first. Gotham will be brought closer to God's will. It's falling from grace you see, it's spiralling into down into a nest of filth, corruption and chaos."

I knew they wouldn't understand, but I do as You command.

"You're a loon!" spat the Alien. "Anyway, it stops. We've defeated your nanobot"

"Why come here, Alice?" the Doctor asked gently. Such courtesy and manners.

"Because He told me too. He wanted you to see the face of His righteous messenger. He wanted you to see the face of absolute love. It's your chance to repent before He is close enough to Gotham to judge you." Inwardly I couldn't help feel that pious warm glow. I'm sure it must have shown as the cripple shifted uncomfortably.

"We stopped the nanobots. With the help of a friend we've blocked the carrier signal and that information was transmitted to any bots we had not found. They've been deactivated, Alice. It's over." She knew now it was not. As I said, she was smart.

"They were the prototypes. I've been working on a more complex nanobot, one that the Lord told me to create. One that quantifies specific chemical signatures of those who spend time in the constant wilderness, those exposed to bacteria and other elements which separate themselves out from the other higher social human classes. It was a complicated task, but the prototype nanobots sent back the relevant information for myself to locate the consistent chemical attributes to the destitute class in Gotham."

Now the Cripple was frantic. "Leslie, get John on the phone now. Kara, check her for any devices or triggers!" She could see the Word of the Lord and she cowered in Your glory.

"Don't worry," I consoled. "Only the destitute in Gotham will be affected. The nanobots were ranged in their contagion. They will only do His bidding in an area localised to Gotham city." I looked at the age-old clock on the wall. It was time.

The screams were loud. I could hear them from inside the Doctor's office. So could they. All three wore faces painted in the horror of their own ignorance. I bathed in Your righteousness as the screams bellowed in fanfare to your coming to Gotham.


EXTRACT: Journal Of Doctor Leslie Thompkins

Life never felt so horrific as it did at that moment. I grew up with the ideals of honoring the sanctity of life, no matter who or what they were. Here I had met my antithesis that did precisely the opposite behind the misguided belief she was doing it for a higher reason.

I recall rushing over to the window with horror as the screams continued to pierce my frail walls. My office and surgery sat deep in the centre of Gotham's less fortunate populace and as such was in the epicentre of the mass murder. I could see figures toppling out of the night's shadows and into the street. I ran from the room, leaving my two colleagues speechless alone with this awful child.

Swinging open the front door I ran into the street. In the middle of the road twitching in utter agony was Old Man Kelly. He was a man who to mem represented the homeless population I put myself on call for every day and night of my life. I'd known him for over four years. The man died in my arms, wrought with so much pain that I don't think he recognized me.

I cried that night. I cried for a long time.

EXTRACT: Diary Of Barbara Gordon

Had we been overconfident? I can't help wondering whether we should have foreseen the chance of a second batch of nanobots. A more contagious and highly advanced kind. Should I have made allowances? What would Bruce have done?

Leslie fled from the room and the mad girl, Alice, just sat there, as if on drugs, wrapped in ecstasy. She believed what she told us, she really did and even now I still fear that righteousness.

Kara just stood there unmoving as the screams from outside bombarded our consciences. The phone was on the floor, knocked down by Leslie. I couldn't reach it; I couldn't make a call to Bruce or to John. I was helpless. Even if I could call anyone, there was nothing that could be done, but that didn't make me feel better then, and it doesn't now.

Kara's stance was unnatural. I guess she was suddenly involved in something beyond what she had even imagined. This wasn't some villain trying to take over the world, this wasn't an invasion from another planet, or an alien race dominated by evil tyrants. This was just plain simple human cruelty. Suddenly, I guess, she saw her role no longer as part of an exciting game, but an intolerable burden, and it was one she didn't know how to cope with. I guess, while I always give the impression I am bright and happy go lucky, my roots in life are deeply entrenched in the suffering and pain it can bring. I've seen what it does to people. Seen what it did to dad. Kara hasn't had that. I guess this was her first taste.

"Feel it," whispered Alice. "We're - I'm - closer to God."

That was when Kara snapped.

"You want to be closer?" I remember her yelling, "I'll bring you closer to your god!"

I remember the one-second, ill look of horror on the kid's face as Kara's body shot across the room and out the window. She grasped Alice on the way and pulled her out too as she sky rocketed out and upward into the heavens.

This wasn't right, I looked desperately around for my headset; I guessed Kara still had her earpiece. I couldn't even think where I left it. Once again, I felt utterly helpless.


I wasn't expecting such a reaction. I failed You. I should not fear death - and I believed I didn't - but being hoisted from my seat by the Alien scared me. Truly it did. I shouldn't feel such fear I know, for You will always protect me, but my faith lost me at that point. My rapture was broken and I felt myself being launched into the sky by this angry Alien. I can see why you distrust Aliens, my Lord; they are uncouth and unpredictable creatures.

The air started to get colder and I realised I was far above Gotham and climbing. I could just see the Alien mouthing the same words. "I'll bring you closer." She was probably screaming that sentence, but with the speed, cold and fear I could hear nothing.

My body started to convulse and my lips began to freeze. Callous and evil was the Alien. She knew what speed to move to maximise my discomfort. She wanted me to die painfully in fear for my love of You.

I should have known You'd look after me, my Lord. I should have known to trust You. I follow You. I do Your bidding. I should have been prepared for death as Jesus was at Gethsemane. I made it to the garden. I confronted the sinners, but I wasn't ready for the next step, that I like Jesus may need to be sacrificed for their sins.

However, our work is undone. While they now incarcerate me, I know you are preparing our next stage. Another social class will go at your bidding and I'll be your instrument once more.

I saw Your glory as You told the Alien to return me to earth. I saw her face change and she brought me back to Gotham and to Your hands. I trust in You now as You trust in me.

We will be closer.


EXTRACT: Diary Of Barbara Gordon

Dad says that Mad Alice has been taken for psychiatric testing and due to her "mental instability" and age will not be taken to Arkham or tried in a formal court of law. He says that the doctors think she is a really weird case. They say that she doesn't exhibit common schizophrenic symptoms. She doesn't talk to anyone invisible, she doesn't say she hears voices. She says she just knows what “He” wants when “He” wants it. Aside from that she offers no other information.

Dad's men found all kinds of highly advanced chemistry equipment and technology in her house. Some stuff she couldn't have got from Billy's dad but bought herself. Equipment so expensive she must have obtained it through some highly dubious connections. A search of her computer found some a variety of home built hacking equipment. Experts guess she'd been planning this for years, yet all evidence from her friend says that she acquired the specific SEAMLESS technology mere months ago. She was building her resources up for something, was it just chance this technology just fell on her lap?

Her parents are strong upright Catholics. Good people according to Dad. Not extreme, not Bible thumping types, nice spiritual people. They are in for counseling. They had no idea what was going on. That somehow makes it worse, no one really to blame. Honestly, I would like her parents to have been messed up, evil, sacrificing goat types. It would have been a great place to transfer the anger that still boils in me. After all, who wants to believe a fifteen-year-old girl could be responsible for the deaths of 90% of Gotham's homeless population.

A small 10% survived this cull. A meagre 10% managed not to have contracted the nanobots. I'm sure the homeless population will rise once more; it always does, but such death. It's been a terrible, terrible month.

The media seems uncertain how to pursue this story. The Catholic Church understandably refuses to comment and distances itself from this child's actions. The parents too, their lives ruined, refuse to comment. The politicians deplore such tragedy but deep down I bet they are quite glad to get the issue of homelessness off their agenda. I imagine many of the middle class feel the same. I heard one guy at the local diner saying how he was glad it hadn't killed any "real" people.

Time heals. It has to. I'm glad I managed to convince Kara to not kill Alice. I couldn't find the headset but I realised with Kara's hearing I didn't need to. I just had to trust in Kara's conscience, that she would hear my shouting voice. I guess she did as she brought the kid back alive and handed her over to the authorities. I've never seen Kara so out of control and I hope not to again. She's agreed to take some therapy on this. Bruce has some discreet contacts in that area.

As for Bruce, I've not been able to contact him. The League have been off world again so maybe he's with them. I don't know, and really, he's the last thing that's on my mind at the moment.

Wow, that's a lie. I can't help it, but he's all I think about. Not in a crush like way, you know, more as a mentor. I failed Gotham and through Gotham I feel I failed him. We were caught off guard. I guess if she were a thirty-year-old man who had turned up professing the will of God on our doorstep we wouldn't have called Kara back. She may have found the machine that sent the timed signal to active the nanobots. All these ifs...

Biggest if. Was it God? Every instinct in my body says it wasn't. I'm not that religious, but I can't believe any God that humanity believes in would rationalise like Alice believed. I refuse to believe that, not for my own aetheism, but for those who follow a Christian god. It would mean that the god they follow is a god who cares little about the man and more about the Word. I refuse to believe that all those with faith in such a being are wrong and this little girl was right.

Yet there must be something more. Too many mysteries. Her extraordinary intelligence, getting the equipment so easily for her task from Project SEAMLESS, her ability to find us as well as knowing who we are. Maybe it wasn't THE God helping her, maybe something else beyond our understanding. Something worse by far. With all these beyond Earth threats the Justice League has been dealing with, believing in a threat so invisible isn't so hard.

No, I don't believe it's God. It's something else. That something else and Alice have a long-term plan for Gotham city and next time we will be ready, otherwise those thousands of innocents died for nothing and that's something I refuse to let happen.


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Batman: The Dark Knight Adventures is a fan run project for the fans of the WB TV show and is not intended to be viewed in any other context. Fictional history written for this project is in no way official. It's all for fun!