Part Five
Billy woke up.

It wasn't morning.

He wasn't in his bed.

In fact, he wasn't in his room.

Below him, beneath the fumes and noxious gases that separated himself and the large granite object nestled unfathomably downward, was Gotham City.

Above him, as he tried desperately to wipe the sleep from his eyes was, well, he wasn't sure.

It was very dark up so high in the sky, and very cold.

His left ear buzzed as his teeth began to chatter.

"Here's the deal," an electronic voice bit into his inner aural orifice. "Listen as I'll explain just once."

Billy was too cold to do anything else.

"It's possible the figure above may drop you. It's possible. It all depends on the details you are about to divulge to me." Billy tried to look up, but his face was forced back down towards Gotham. "My colleague has a knack of hearing heart beats. My colleague will know when you are lying. Do you understand?"

Billy tried to voice a sound that would vaguely resemble a yes.

"I will take that rasp as a yes. I am sorry Billy. I don't like to subject any young teenager to such a predicament, but lives are on the line. People are dying, and I suspect more will soon die. I think you can stop this Billy, but you have to be honest and you have to tell us now."

Billy spluttered another indecipherable noise of affirmation.

"My colleague will bring you lower, to roof top level. It will be warmer there. Your head will be kept firmly fixed forward but my collegaue will hear all you say. Understand? Good. We will begin."


"I don't approve of this Barbara." Leslie hovered beside Barbara's computer set-up in Leslie's lab. She had been doing so for the last hour and it was beginning to get on Barb's nerves. "It's unethical," the doctor grumbled.

"I'm aware of that Leslie, I'm not thrilled with doing this myself." Barbara adjusted her headset. "However, we don't have time to play friendly detective, so I'm borrowing a page out of his book."

Leslie started rummaging through her filing cabinet, clearly looking for nothing in particular. "And that's meant to make me feel better?"

"Kara knows what's she's doing. She'll be careful." Barbara could feel her irritation growing, growing because she knew Leslie was right. This
was not ethical and this was a kid they were interrogating. That said, Barbara had seen too many "plague victims" of late and was not going to be present for another. This ended now.

"Well I'm sure Bruce would strongly approve," Leslie remarked bitterly as she stormed from the room, "if that makes you feel better!"

Barbara hung her head and sighed. It didn't.


"Your father works for one of Wayne Enterprises' covert operations. What do you know about his work?"

Billy's mind raced and words spewed out. His eyes wide, transfixed by the sight of the sidewalk many stories below.

"He works with cool secret weapons and stuff. He used to bring some of it home for us to see which he wasn't allowed to do but he did so anyway as he was proud of his work and said he could trust us to keep a secret and not tell anyone about it!"

"That's good Billy. Keep talking like that. Keep it honest - or else." Billy couldn't tell if the voice was a man or a woman. He could feel the cold metal of the receiver sitting deep in his ear, but the sound of the voice was electronically masked. The voice spoke up again. "You went to the GCPD the other day Billy. You said you knew who was responsible for the spat of deaths. Tell me Billy, is your dad involved?"


"I don't believe you Billy." Billy felt the grip of his captor tighten behind him. Slowly the skyline began to change as he rose higher, and higher. "Shall we try this again? Is you father involved?"

"No-no! Oh my god no! My father's out of town, he doesn't know anything! Honest!! It's not him! It's not him! It's her! It's her! I borrowed some of my fathers toys and gave it to her! She took it! She took it! I know I shouldn't have taken them but she wanted them when I told her about them! I betrayed his trust, oh my god It's all my fault those people are dead, all my fault! He doesn't know! He doesn't know!!!"



Barbara stiffly ignored the doctor who again was at the filing cabinet and again quite likely for no reason except to pry.

"I can hear his screams through the headphones." Leslie slammed the cabinet and walked out of the lab again. "Bruce would be proud."

Barbara had a feeling that very soon, she was going to be very sick.


Barbara wheeled into Leslie's office. The Doctor refused to look up as she scribbled furiously at her notes. The light was set lower. Barbara shivered.

"It seems the boy had a little too much access to his father's work on Project Seamless. He was directly involved in some of the medical tests. Same department as that Fitzgerald guy, if you believe that."

Leslie remained silent and continued to scribble on her pad.

Barbara continued. "Seems he had a lab at his house for overtime work, not endorsed by Wayne Enterprises, but these secret groups have a tendency to write their own rules."

Still nothing from the Doctor.

"The friend of this kid must be very bright, Leslie. Kara is checking into it right now. She's confirmed about the lab on Billy's property and has returned the boy. We got an address and a name."

Leslie looked up, clearly a name to put against all those dead faces was too tempting to ignore. "A name?"


Leslie returned to her work and Barbara turned to leave. She stopped.

"We did good, Doctor Thompkins. We may have stopped more people from dying."

Leslie once again didn't look up. "I just believed he didn't own you yet, that there was hope. I was wrong."

Barbara bowed her head and said nothing.

"Look at Richard, Barbara. See what he's becoming. Quite frankly I wonder if there is hope for any of you."

Barbara left the office and decided now was the opportune time to be sick.


"What's that, Doc?" Old Man Kelly peered suspiciously at the flashy looking calculator Leslie was waving over him. Leslie studied the results
with a slight measure of awkwardness. She was never a fan of gadgets, unlike some she could mention.

"Depends if you want the simple or the complicated answer."

"Can't I have both?" Old Man Kelly grunted as he shifted his large unshapely mass up and off the bench.

"The complicated answer even I don't understand. This is a device left by a fellow scientist which has been tuned to emit a calling signal on a specific carrier to some very nasty micro sized machines which have been killing many of your friends."

"And the simple answer?"

Leslie frowned. "That was the simple answer. As I said, I don't understand the complicated one myself. Regardless, you're clean - of the infection and of nasty micro sized machines."

"Well that sounds like a clean bill of health to me!" wheezed Old Man Kelly. He doffed his cap. "I'm sure I'll see you next month, Doctor Thompkins. You know what I'm like with infections."

"Old Man Kelly and chest infections have been good friends as long as I can remember," Leslie replied.

"That they have," Old Man Kelly grinned, "that they have."

There was a knock at the front door. It wasn't what Leslie expected.

She and Kelly walked together to the door. Leslie opened the front door to find a teenager standing motionless in the porch.

The girl looked - to Leslie's estimates - around 14-15 years old. She wore a pink thin casual dress and had her ginger hair tightly pulled back. She had freckled chipmunk chubby cheeks and green eyes. Her eyebrows were a little too thick and one ear was slightly larger than the other. Her moon eyes made Leslie feel uncomfortable. They were just too much
white and too little pupil.

The girl wasn't dressed for the cold night. Around her neck dangled a fairly large crucifix. Against the cold night and the fiery burn of the Gotham night lights, she looked fairly out of place. The child's face lit up as her eyes bore up at Leslie.

"Dr. Thompkins? I'm Alice. God sent me."

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Batman and related characters are copyrighted to their respective owners. Batman: The Dark Knight Adventures makes no claim to these characters or their copyright. No infringement intended.
Batman: The Dark Knight Adventures is a fan run project for the fans of the WB TV show and is not intended to be viewed in any other context. Fictional history written for this project is in no way official. It's all for fun!