Waking Hour
This is set between issues #13 and #14 of Dark Knight Adventures.

Fatigue weighed on his muscles and his lungs burned with the dank Gotham air. He wondered if maybe he was getting too old, too old for all this physical battering.

No, never too old.

He followed the child through the dark passages that infested the forsaken area dubbed “Crime Alley.” He watched the child’s step, watched his body language, listened to his cries to be followed. Always looking for clues, playing World’s Greatest Detective yet again.

He had to admit, it was a nice change to be back in Gotham. Another long excursion into space had taken its toll. He wasn’t faster than a speeding bullet (although he’d had to think faster than the man behind the gun). He wasn’t able to project cosmic green energy. He certainly didn’t have the constitution or palette for the fast food that the Flash consumed. He was a simple human. A human at the peak of mental and physical efficiency maybe, but a human nevertheless. As such, he was prone to such human requirements as sleep, food and relaxation - not that he was prone to admit it, not to himself or his colleagues. “You’ve inherited the British ‘stiff upper lip,’” Alfred once declared, “as well as their pig-headed stubbornness." Alfred always had a way with words. "One would be proud of such an achievement for an American, if they didn’t combine it with wearing grey tights and a pointy cape.”

Alfred was right (although not about the cape, it was shaped, not pointy). He was stubborn, and more importantly, obsessive. Both came hand in handy and essentially carved out the essence of the man he was. He knew his body wanted rest, but he refused to give in to its demands. The world had called on his services again and he’d neglected his duties to his home city for far too long. He had to make up for the lost time – regardless of his body’s personal opinion.

"This way!" cried out the child as the darkness enveloped his body. He followed the kid deeper into the warren of metal and human grime.

Gotham had suffered another bad year. However, it was low on the sympathy stakes as the world in general had been through its own shares of horrors and disasters. The year had brought a host of unworldly attacks that threatened not just Gotham, but the world as a whole. These were threats he couldn’t ignore and they showed no sign of abating. He was a control addict; he needed to be in control of the odds. How long would Gotham survive if he didn’t face the unknown threats that endangered it from beyond? By leaving Gotham, he was saving Gotham from dangers larger than the city. However, it meant that those smaller issues, those murders, robberies and assaults had to be left unchallenged to fight for a “greater cause.”

It was almost like leaving your own children in the cold to fend for themselves, in the hope you could stop the bigger threats from getting to them. He couldn’t help feeling guilty, and a few days of self-punishment dealing with those “smaller issues” generally made him feel better.

This was his third night on patrol with his days spent absorbing information he’d missed in his absence. He was glad to see Nightwing’s Titans had started their move against Rupert Thorne’s growing empire. Despite having his own city of Bludhaven to look after, Dick seemed to be taking personal delight in slowly dismantling Thorne’s greedy hold over Gotham. He was also aware that Barbara had been using her resources to not only help those who had suffered crime, but on occasions taking the detective work out to prevent it. He rationally knew neither party could make up for his presence in Gotham. His legend alone was enough to make some of the criminal element think twice about acting.

However, with the Justice League’s more prominent image, Gotham knew their Dark Knight was currently part time. With the spontaneous death of so many of Gotham's destitute still on the conscience of the city, there was a feeling of vulnerability he wanted to correct. He had to make it clear to both citizens and the underworld that Gotham was still HIS city, beyond the confines his role in the Justice League.

He remained confident that disposing of the identity of Bruce Wayne was a good move. It had been a complicated affair; but one so far that had suffered no hitches. Lucius was handling Wayne Enterprises very well (for a substantial pay raise of course) and with Alfred now back in England, it was visibly clear no one was living at the Manor. Well, not above the ground anyway.

He had kept the reason for his disappearance vague with small hints of truth. He'd used his recent brief disappearance at the hands of Fitzgerald's cloned monster to build the lie. He had constructed the necessary evidence to imply he'd been held hostage for ransom, a scenario which had been resolved internally without police involvement. With a few self inflicted wounds, he had told Lucius Fox that the events had created doubts about his playboy lifestyle, that he needed to find himself beyond the confines of his high society. A pilgrimage retracing the steps he'd once made as a young adult, away from Gotham, away from the world.

In some respects, Wayne's exodus did in some ways reflect his mindset; the rich boy expelled from paradise. The question was, would he come back?

It was a question that disturbed him, more than he cared for. The time had long since past since he had intended to fake the report of Wayne's death in Tibet. He'd spent months on the scenario and he'd yet to act on it. He wasn't sure what it was that was holding him back from finalising this transition, but it was something he needed to deal with soon.

Later, maybe.

In the meantime, he'd enjoy the hunt. Batman was free of the constraints of civilized society. Free to do what he was meant to do.

He had freed up so much time. As much as he missed Alfred’s persistence for a normal lifestyle, he felt more able to do what he needed to do, to be who he was meant to be and not what society expected him to be.

There was just the Batman.

And now the Batman was chasing this young street urchin down the alleyways to another scenario of danger. The kid was genuine; you could never be too careful that the homeless had not been groomed to act as bait – especially children. Thankfully, the body language of a child lacked the complexity of an adult so for a detective such as himself, it was clear to deduce truth from fact. This kid was honestly scared. There was no deception hidden in his hides, his posture, his voice or his body. What was certain was something had spooked him.

The Joker.

There had been a recent encounter with the Joker in the midst of the formation of the Justice Gang; however, by and large, the Joker’s activities were ominously silent. With that in mind and despite an ailing body, he moved with increasing speed behind the boy.

“Over here!” the boy’s trembling voice cried out.

Taking to the shadows more, he moved closer to the child, his body as ready for battle as it could be. His weary eagle eyes taking in the big empty derelict space that the alley opened into. Ready for action, poised for battle.

He barely registered the shock as the boy spun round, his body suddenly coiled, and released a concealed projectile from a ragged cuff. A sharp pain hit his torso, so sharp he barely noticed it.

The paralysis was immediate on his body, as was the paralysis of his mind. Shock. Horror. Betrayal? How had he not seen through the child? His rigid body fell back against the brick end of the alley.

“I recall a conversation I had with the Joker one evening in Arkham,” hissed a voice. “How it was he was considered your archenemy and someone like me is not.”

His head spun as he tried to place the voice. Shouldn’t have been hard, but the chemicals of the drugged projectile were seeping deeper into his system.

”You just have to read the papers to realise this, and as an educated man, I read the papers. I am considered," - a pause - "a minor player. Why? What makes the Joker so much more your nemesis than fear incarnate?”


“Then a voice spoke to me. A voice in my dreams came to me. It came to all of us. It told me my part in the bigger plan.”

He couldn’t see. The drug systematically seemed to be shutting down perception.

“It promised me such secrets - Just me, mind you. A secret so special that even the likes of the Joker doesn’t know.” He heard a hiss of pleasure. The Scarecrow was moving closer. “For I have been offered dominion over you. You are mine, not the Joker's. For I am the Lord of Fear, and it needs a Lord to protect it's new throne, not some out-of-date grinning clown!”

He could smell the Scarecrow’s putrid garments. He could just about feel the hands holding him tightly, gripped around the shoulders.

"Not that I can’t thank the idiot. It was that conversation which inspired me as to how I could trap you."

Fear began to mix with the poison, the cocktail seemed to enhance both.

No one knew where he was. Not Alfred, not Dick, not Barbara. He was alone

"The reason the Joker is your nemesis is because he’s the antithesis of you. You are control. You are the detective. He is chaos. He is the clown. For all your understanding of the mind and body, you cannot predict either with him.”

Breathing was becoming harder. Was he dying? Was this it?

“So what better trap than an innocent who is a criminal? A boy who believes he’s in danger till I tell him otherwise. For I no longer invoke fear in others, I CONTROL fear in others!”

Had he pushed his limits too far this time? Had his pig headedness delivered him to his enemies? Would he have spotted the danger if he had been less fatigued?

“A simple crown of technology, crass and not to my liking really, I prefer the chemicals as you know, but perfect for my needs. With a mix of my toxins, it enables me the control of my victim. I can control its fears and its actions. I can turn it from an innocent into the hand of my deliverance with a single thought.”

He felt a small rush of sensation on his face, the pores breathing in the night. His skin cascaded in its sensitivity, as if it continued its fight for control.

It’s always about control.

“I have been given you by my master. You are mine by right of Gotham’s future ruler. It came to us all in Arkham, yet only the few chose to accept the word. Not that stupid jester of course, but he to will be given to me for my part to play in its new order.”

He could feel small (or were they large? it was difficult to tell) needles piercing his forehead. There was the sensation of cold, electric metal resting on his hair as his tactile sensitivity reached zero.

“Did you not see the first sign of our deliverance? Did you not see her? She is proof that I am Lord of Fear, and our master will soon arrive through her....”

What was he talking about? He tried to clarify his thoughts, but failed. His processes were like a racing track, circular, repetitive, with no resolution. The speed was getting slower and slower, yet there was no deviation from the pattern.


His consciousness took one final gasp of life before vanishing. Two spoken words lingered on his fall from consciousness. A couple of words wrapped in a fusion of victory and ecstasy.

“...Bruce Wayne.”

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Batman and related characters are copyrighted to their respective owners. Batman: The Dark Knight Adventures makes no claim to these characters or their copyright. No infringement intended.
Batman: The Dark Knight Adventures is a fan run project for the fans of the WB TV show and is not intended to be viewed in any other context. Fictional history written for this project is in no way official. It's all for fun!