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Young Justice – Reviews – Season One – Drop Zone


Drop Zone
Original Airdate – January 28th, 2011
On their first official assignment a covert recon mission to the Venom-producing island of Santa Prisca the team finds itself caught in a struggle between the deadly Bane and cult leader Kobra for possession of something far worse than they suspected.

Written by Andrew R. Robinson
Directed by Christopher Berkeley
Review by GregX
Media by Warner Bros. Animation


After last week’s somewhat lackluster episode of Young Justice, I’m happy to be able to say… now that’s more like it!The team seems to have come together, and it was cool to see them handle their first mission. I also loved how they determined who should lead. Usually once the leader is selected, he remains the leader for the duration of the series. But Aqualad as a placeholder until Robin is ready to lead is a pretty inspired take.

The character dynamics were fun. Seeing Miss Martian swoon over Superboy, who was being a jerk to her last episode was sadly quite true to life (seriously, do women like being mistreated?), but it was nice to see that Superboy has lightened up quite a bit, and is treating her much better now. He also seems to be developing a sense of humor. Looks like there is hope for him.

Now, to discuss the villains. I thought the timing of this episode was great, since it was only a few days ago that Bane (played by Tom Hardy) was announced as a villain in The Dark Knight Rises. I also enjoyed this take on him. Smart, cunning, and utterly ruthless. This is a guy who I can see being as smart as Batman, and it was nice to see that take on him since, outside the comics, Bane has never been depicted as all that bright. I also loved Danny Trejo as his voice, perfect casting there.

I have never heard of Sportsmaster before tonight. His name is beyond hokey, but I liked him as an emissary of the Light. I’m sure we’ll see more of him. Speaking of the Light, it was nice to get confirmation that Mr. Twister was working for them last week.

And finally, the Cult of the Kobra, who I have heard of. I liked them in this episode, they were fun. Although they felt like an imitation of Marvel’s Hydra, but to be fair, they always felt like that. I suppose I could make a joke about GI Joe’s nemesis, Cobra, but I won’t. Still, as far as comics go, Hydra was always the original ruthless, terrorist organization determined to rule the world. Oops, guess I did make that joke.

All joking aside, I enjoyed Kobra, and his scheme. Mixing the Venom with the Blockbuster serum produced some pretty creepy results. I was surprised to see that much muscle and tissue ripping through torn skin on a cartoon. But I also enjoyed how understated, and calm Kobra himself was (and that was always how I thought Cobra’s Emperor, Serpentor, should have been played, but that’s another series and era).

The animation remains gorgeous, and I hope it stays that way.

I give this one a solid A. Loved it.

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