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The World's Finest Presents

Bios - The Imperium

First Appearance: "Secret Origins"
Position: Planet Infiltrators/Destroyers

Bio: What we know of the Imperium started with their invasion of Mars. Despite the valiant efforts of it's inhabitants and its resistance movements, the alien invaders defeated all but a final attack squad of Martians--one of which was J'onn J'onzz. He was the only remaining member of the Martian strike team that infiltrated the Imperium's underground lair. With a powerful nerve gas, they stunned and froze the Imperium in their place, and J'onn was forced to stand guard at the gate for eternity.

Unfortunately, during a hibernation cycle, the US Landed on Mars, and an astronaut by the name of J. Allen Carter found the locked door which withheld the Imperium. J'onn made it to Earth, but before he could alert Superman about what was going on, he was captured by the Imperium (at this point, posing as Government officials). J'onn's strong mind pulses finally made it to Superman, and he was able to free him from his entrapment.

The Justice League finally defeated the Imperium through quick movements against their "camps" set up around the world. By finding their weakness, they were able to exploit it and the Imperium fled from earth.

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